Generator pedigree porumbei

If you're a passionate pigeon breeder, you probably know how crucial it is to manage your pigeon stock and showcase their results to attract potential buyers.

Basic Features of PEDIGREE Subscription (20EUR/an):
  • Pedigree generator
  • Loft manager
  • Download PDF pedigree
  • Sending pedigree via email
  • Print pedigree
  • Windy forecast

With the help of our breeding manager, you can add all your pigeons to a single web application and generate PDF pedigrees with just one click. You no longer need to waste valuable time manually filling out each pedigree when you want to register them for competitions. Everything is organized and easily accessible in one place.

Furthermore, our application provides you with the option to send pedigrees via email or print them in a professional format for presentation to potential buyers. This will not only grab the customers' attention but also showcase your organized and professional breeding approach.

Aplicatie pedigree oriunde

Moreover, our application provides advanced stock management options, allowing you to track the progress of your pigeons over time. These valuable insights can assist you in making better decisions regarding pigeon breeding and selection.

To enjoy all these features, we recommend subscribing to the PEDIGREE subscription. This way, you'll have access to all our advanced functionalities, enabling you to manage your pigeon stock in the most efficient manner. Subscribing is simple and quick, and the benefits are numerous.

In conclusion, if you're a pigeon enthusiast looking to grow your business, our pigeon stock management application is the perfect solution for you. Start managing your pigeon stock in an advanced and professional manner by using the breeding application today!

Do you want more?

Of course, if you want to access additional features and take your pigeon business to the next level, including having a website and online auctions, we recommend upgrading your subscription to the PREMIUM version.

PREMIUM subscription details: PRESS HERE